Hi, We're The Andersons
We developed SAMi when we learned our youngest son - James - began experiencing seizures during sleep.
The first version of SAMi was built in 2009 and ran on a laptop computer. Over the years we refined the design by tweaking the detection algorithm to create a more reliable system. We quickly became dependent on it; any failures were cause for great anxiety and were quickly addressed.

The first version of SAMi was built in 2009 and ran on a laptop computer. Over the years we refined the design by tweaking the detection algorithm to create a more reliable system. We quickly became dependent on it; any failures were cause for great anxiety and were quickly addressed.

In the fall of 2011 the Epilepsy Therapy Project announced their first annual Shark Tank competition. The Epilepsy Therapy Project (now a part of the Epilepsy Foundation) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to accelerate new therapies for people living with epilepsy and seizures. We entered the competition with what was to become SAMi, and in February 2012 presented the concept to the judges at an exciting, lively event, and won.
Today, SAMi remains 100% owned and operated by our family. Our eldest son Matt is running the company, and James is doing better than ever having recently become a dad himself! Thankfully she's seizure-free, but he still uses SAMi to monitor her just in case!

Today, SAMi remains 100% owned and operated by our family, and James is doing better than ever. He recently welcomed to the world a daughter of his own, Hunter Grace Anderson. She hasn't had any seizures, but we monitor her anyways just in case!

SAMi has made a big difference in our lives. We hope it will do the same for you.
After several difficult months we were running on fumes... We had tried mattress monitors, wearables, and baby monitors but nothing seemed to work.
We weren't sleeping out of fear of what we may miss.

Matt Anderson
As the first born son of Charles and Cynthia, Matt witnessed first hand how refractory epilepsy like his brother’s can impact a family. Matt is a technology leader with 10+ years building venture backed software and hardware companies across a range of industries. Matt is also the co-founder of a documentary film production company and a Start Up Mentor at Weve Acceleration. In his free time, Matt is a passionate river raft guide, competitive bowler, and golfer.

Charles Anderson
Charles is an accomplished business and engineering professional experienced in creating innovative digital audio-video products and technologies. Charles has a proven track record in entrepreneurial organizations, including founding, building, and selling the highly successful engineering R&D company Peak Audio Inc.

Cynthia Anderson
Cynthia has a background in installing, supporting, and selling business software systems for the manufacturing sector. Cynthia is also the principal medical advocate for her son James. In her free time Cynthia is an avid swimmer, volunteer, and singer for the Boulder Coral.

James Anderson
Shipping Manager
James' epilepsy journey inspired Charles and Cynthia to create SAMi. Outside of his SAMi work, James is a personal trainer, a basketball coach, part-time PE teacher, and snowboard instructor. He is also heavily involded in volunteer organizations organizations such as Big Brothers Big Sisters of Colorado, Special Olympics of Colorado, and is a camp counselor for the Epilepsy Foundation of Colorado's summer camp.

Trevor Larson
VP, Business Operations
With over a decade in venture-backed startups, Trevor's experience spans operations, product development, strategy, growth, sales, and more. Trevor has managed 100+ employee teams and most recently played a pivotal role in guiding Bird Scooters from 30 employees through a successful IPO with operations globally. Trevor has known the Andersons since childhood, and is a close friend of both Matt and James.

Dr. Edward H Maa
Dr. Edward H. Maa is double boarded in Neurology and Epilepsy and is accepting patients with all neurological problems, but has special expertise in medication resistant epilepsies, epilepsy surgical evaluations, and neuromodulation for epilepsy including VNS and RNS. He completed his Neurology residency and Epilepsy fellowship at the University of Colorado and became Associate Professor in the Department of Neurology and established what was to become the Brooke Gordon Comprehensive Epilepsy Center at Denver Health in 2007 where he held positions as the Chief of the Comprehensive Epilepsy Program and the Medical Director of the Neurodiagnostic Laboratory. He transformed the small two-EEG technologist service to become a National Association of Epilepsy Centers (NAEC) LEVEL 4 center by 2012. Dr. Maa is currently Director of Epilepsy Services over HCA Colorado (Housed at Swedish Medical Center), where he will he coordinates epilepsy monitoring and epilepsy surgical evaluations within the HCA network of hospitals. Dr. Maa has been a 5280 “Top Doc” for both Epileptology and Neurology since 2012 and is the Emeritus Executive Board Member of the Epilepsy Foundation of Colorado and Wyoming.

Phillip Gattone
Epilepsy Non-Profit Leader
Philip M. Gattone, M.Ed., is the president and chief executive officer of the National Bleeding Disorders Foundation (NBDF). A seasoned leader dedicated to amplifying the impact of nonprofit organizations through his distinctive blend of leadership and strategic insight. As the previous president & CEO of the Epilepsy Foundation, Gattone orchestrated unprecedented growth, expanding the organization’s reach and influence. Gattone’s collaborative approach also forged alliances with key stakeholders, bolstering the Foundation’s standing within the national and global epilepsy community. Prior to his transformative role at the Epilepsy Foundation, Gattone elevated community impact and served as a senior executive in local, regional, national, and global nonprofit organizations and healthcare companies. His experiences provide a rare perspective and deep understanding of the unique needs facing nonprofit and healthcare company leaders. He resides in North Carolina with his wife, Jill, where they remain steadfast in their commitment to making a difference in the epilepsy and bleeding disorders community and beyond.

Jacob Colvin
Health Techology Executive
As cofounder of the newly minted public company Owlet Baby Care, Jake brings a wealth of experience in entrepreneurship and medtech expertise, focused on bringing life-saving technologies to infants and children around the world. As the quintessential founder, he developed, launched, and led many of the departments that impacted Owlet’s success today, ranging from early operations, extensive product validation, and developing user experience through thousands of hours where it matters most - in the field with customers. Jake firmly believes in the importance of continued education, studying at four different universities in three nations, studying as a bio-pharmaceutical researcher and guiding students as an adjunct faculty member at BYU. He is the father of 3 children, an avid aviator, sailor, and global traveler - passionate about enabling others and improving the world through technology innovation.
Special Thanks to...
SAMi Wouldn't Exist Without Partnerships With The Following Organizations And Individuals:

Tom Stanton
The Danny Did Foundation

Mary Duffy
The Danny Did Foundation

Katie Gaughan
The Danny Did Foundation

Julie Hutchison
Chelsea Hutchison Foundation

Doug Hutchison
Chelsea Hutchison Foundation

Sandi Chapnick
Josh Provides Epilepsy Assistance

Andria Bilan
Josh Provides Epilepsy Assistance

Dr. Ed Maa
Swedish Medical Center
Supporting Epilepsy Foundation Chapters
Epilepsy Foundation of America
Epilepsy Foundation of Arizona
Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Chicago
Epilepsy Foundation of Colorado
Epilepsy Foundation of Idaho
Epilepsy Foundation of G. Cincinnati and Columbus
Epilepsy Foundation of Indiana
Epilepsy Foundation of Kentuckiana
Epilepsy Foundation of Long Island
Epilepsy Foundation of Louisiana
Epilepsy Foundation of Michigan
Epilepsy Foundation of Missouri and Kansas
Epilepsy Foundation of New Jersey
Epilepsy Foundation of Metropolitan New York
Epilepsy Foundation of Western/Central Pennsylvania
Epilepsy Foundation of Central and South Texas

Early supporters
Beverley Andalora
Karen Anderson and Jim Wright
Pat Anderson
Steve and Britt Anderson
Kristina Asambucci
Amy Atwood
Rosy and Jim Austin
Susan Baker
Michelle Bareng
Chris and Barb Beall
Jeff Bennett
Chad Brac
Deb and John Britton
Barbara Burr
Billy Thistle
Bob Thomas
Carl Thomas
Joyce Thurmer
Dale Young
Grace Cheng
Michelle Coe
Joslin and the Coggan Family
Bart Collet
Andrew Currie
Jeffrey M Davis
Epitel, Inc.
Dave Erb
Ann Erickson
Cinzia Escobido
Janet Evans
Faneca Family
Chris Faranetta
Marcia Forman
Frank Vernon
Ilga Vitolins
Jenny Vogus
Patricia Smith White
Amy Whooten
Mark Forry
Carl E Frave
lKathy Frebel
Mike and Jessie
Shelley Friedman
Annie Goldman
Linda and Jerry Goldstone
Mary and Brian Haan
Julie Hale
Cary Hanosek
Tracy Heiman
Greg Herring
Catherine Jacobson
Jim Johnson
Jon and Sharon Kahn
Layla Kaiksow
Susan King
Michael Lee
Julie Zahniser
Derek and Jennifer Lieb
Kim Macher
Marguerite Martinez
Dana Massie
Bonnie Mettler
Catherine Monaco
Susan Olenwine
Richard Palmer
Anna Pate
Brad Peterson
Tina Pittman-Wagers
Jim Reinhart
Ronya Robinson
Jeffrey Romano
Rich and Ann Selph
Lilli Sheeline
Shira Souvignier
Bill Taylor